February 22, 2021

Summing up the all-female jury that acquitted Travon Martin’s killer, in their eyes the minor wasn’t worth enough to deserve justice. Here’s the opposite madness… A large percentage of the women from my community will go out of their way to hot comb their hair, to look like the very women who allow and tolerate…

February 15, 2021

  Forget about crypto, just invest in body bags.. The brainiacs who clapped when Cuomo signed that “reproductive health act,” I wonder if their loved ones perished in a nursing home recently? Will the garbage wake these fools up? Not a chance… In an anaphylactic shock, the guinea pig is carried off in the stretcher….

February 14, 2021

This article is a repost going back two years to this very month! NEPOTISM HAS CONSEQUENCES! When the lives of babies aren’t valued, do you really believe your elderly relatives are safe? When they’re done with them, how long will it be when you finally see evil is chasing you too? When I had my…

January 18, 2021

They were all on the plane that was ALREADY FLYING IN THE AIR. So, as the man walked down the aisle, a woman who was seated clutched her purse in fear as he walked by. His question to her was, “If I snatch your purse, where am I going to run to? The above excerpt…

January 16, 2021

In light of recent news about L.A. Unified mandating  COVID 19 vaccines for children that don’t belong to them, I felt it necessary to repost this article. I recall years ago a famous talk radio host stated over the airwaves… “Any parent that would enroll his or her child in a public school, that parent…

January 4, 2021

The-Powers-That-Be want the world to accept COVID 19 deaths at face value. Their spokespersons alone are criminals. Actors have been recruited to get a “Sugar Water Shot.” The charade is laughable, at the same time these maniacs are demented. The whole world saw that plunger pressed all the way down before the needle went into…

December 30, 2020

Infamous titles like “The Ghetto” or “Inner City” have been swapped for more foolishness. Not just places but certain people groups are labeled with gibberish titles. For decades we’ve been seen as only a concept so that the liberals and certain clowns’ comfort zones aren’t rocked. “Communities of Color,” “Patients of Color,” “We’re All In…

December 20, 2020

“They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.” The above quote highlights the cabal of hypocrites who waged psychological warfare on the people. That was back then, but today that same game is still off the chain. No adult is that naïve to think the world isn’t…