We’re Going To Need More Ventilators

The-Powers-That-Be want the world to accept COVID 19 deaths at face value. Their spokespersons alone are criminals.

Actors have been recruited to get a “Sugar Water Shot.” The charade is laughable, at the same time these maniacs are demented. The whole world saw that plunger pressed all the way down before the needle went into the arm of that agent. Just like videos that expose dumb criminals, these guys are sloppy. How these few snakes slithered into controlling the masses amazes me.

The assassins are banking on the short memory of the sheeple.

But let me placate big pharma and concede that 350K died from COVID alone.

Clearly a weapon is on the move, but for all you haters of The Most High, Isaiah 54:17 is Yah’s promise to us.

I thank Him and praise Him for the mercy He gives me despite my knucklehead ways.

A few weeks back a census worker showed up to survey us. I didn’t want to be bothered but what stood out is that she only asked for names of the men only, no interests in the names of the women living here. As a brotha it put me on guard, but I bring up the survey because…

Do y’all recall a particular census taken, and all hell had broken loose? That event was documented twice in scripture. King David did a no no. His right-hand man Joab tried to talk him out of commissioning it, but the king insisted.

On the surface, David’s grave error was that he overlooked a Biblical mandate in that ransoms be paid by each man counted. He seemed to be clueless.

And sho’nuff a divine plague rose up and took out 70,000 people.

  • Were these victims innocent?
  • Did they deserve to die?
  • Were they held liable for the king’s actions?

Does prayer even work? This I can answer with a resounding You better believe it does!

David now had a debt to pay, but one of his servants tried to cover the costs.

The king objected and stated…

“I will NOT present burnt offerings to the Lord my God that have COST ME NOTHING.

My analysis and perhaps yours…

David’s other mistake made was that He didn’t seek Yah first.

He was bent on knowing how many soldiers represented Israel, but it blew up in his face…

Yah has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.

My wife makes it real plain: “Too much organization consumes anointing.”

Do the above statements creep you out? Anybody with an ounce of discernment would conclude the city is done.

Look at how the liberals have allowed L.A. to become.

The world-famous Venice Beach!

The-Clowns-That-Be want us to trust these people?

I’ll say it again, a lot of these pseudo-science quacks are atheists.

Sadly, some of my own siblings who work in that field, they’ve drank the kool-aid. When you’re not Born Again anything goes.

My youngest sibling came at me with this…

“God helps those who help themselves.”

But here’s what Yah’s inspired word says…

For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.

Don’t fault Apostle Paul, he has plenty of pretext to back this up…

“Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.

But afterward Yeshua found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.”

A man’s heart plans his way, But THE LORD directs his steps. Can I get a witness?

“But Yah said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?

350K dead from COVID alone, the devil is a liar. The alternative voice, THAT FROM JUMP, when they promote healthy natural living they’re shadow banned. If you’re proactive in your nutrition rather than reactive, you’ll be deplatformed. Big media answers to big pharma’s market share, so the hell with everyone else.

None of them can be trusted. They’re antithetical to us. And again, believers are better off having a Psalm 4:3 mindset. Nothing personal, but,

How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness?

May The Most High keep His people in 2021 and beyond, in Yeshua’s name.

For you all who sincerely want to be saved and be part of His family, the ball is your court.

The ministries that wasted all that time they had to send godly men into battle, they won’t be missed!


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