Sista Girl And Her Demons

(Originally published 12/7/2019)

Strike three, judas iscariot was out! The liar and thief was given three years to get his act together and blew it. But Mary of Bethany showed us how to get it done, and I’m one of the folk who believes that this one woman indeed was the infamous Mary Magdalene. Christ delivered her from seven demons that were meant to destroy her. Mary understood that ‘time is short’…“So if you need me, you’ll know where to find me…”

If certain ailments and conditions are taboo today, imagine the rep they had back in Christ’s time. Perhaps the authors back then wrote to protect and promote Mary’s honor? I ask this because one really has to connect the dots to see who this Mary really was. Names given to people in scripture routinely were based on their character. Mary was from the town of Bethany, but the name ‘Magdalene’ translates to pillar or tower.

(The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.) Proverbs 24:16 nlt

Yeshua was always at a house party, and in Luke’s Gospel, ‘Simon the Pharisee’ is throwing a critical ‘bash’. Mary is not named but she’s described as an ‘immoral woman’ who’s despised and ridiculed by Simon. Christ defends her and checks the guy for his hatred and lack of home training. Consider that some if not all the Gospels were second hand accounts. So in this same event happening in Matthew and Mark, Simon was referred to as ‘Simon the Leper’. We’re told he was healed of leprosy, but regardless, who in their right mind would go eat in a house of someone who was known to have leprosy? Check out another definition of leper:

A person who is avoided or rejected by others for moral or social reasons.

So not only was Simon a religious hypocrite, the guy was a pariah. By the time we get to John’s Gospel no doubt Mary, who’s now named, replicates the actions of the immoral woman.  Even more crazy is the realization that Simon the Leper is her dad. Back in Luke he saw his daughter kissing the feet of Christ and laughed internally because he believed his own daughter was trash. But again Christ who’s more than a prophet reprimanded the clown!

Imagine having a dad like that? It’s no wonder the girl was messed up. Her siblings Lazarus and Martha knew their condition too. There had to be something going on because Lazarus could take no more of it and died before his time.

Perhaps one demon is disfiguring one’s own natural beauty to conform to a false image?

Notice how there’s no mention of a mom being around which is another demon that causes depression.

Years ago I was bent on trying to win this beautiful female. She told me her past story of how she engaged in self-harm. Her own mom had abandoned her way back. This girl was saved by the time we hung out, but she had been through some crazy stuff. I was willing to overlook it because she was so amazing from head to toe. I blew my chance with her because liquor got the best of me. I’ve been sober ever since, but nevertheless.

Despite Mary’s dysfunctional house, The Bible says Jesus loved them regardless. Bethany itself was in a hostile region, however, when word got back to Christ that Lazarus had died, Yeshua went back into enemy territory to heal their broken hearts. But immediately before Lazarus rose back to life, where do we find Mary? Bowing down at the feet of The Messiah, just like she did on three other known occasions. In one instance an annoyed Martha asked, “What’s wrong with this girl?” Some of you reading this are seeing that Mary was a worshiper.

Us folk who know, when we found out our sins were forgiven, we had to overcome the shock of being given a brand new life despite our past. When we think of how good God is, we’re compelled to thank Him and worship Him. Even when we stumble like I did with booze, Christ is faithful and just to not only forgive us but protect us because things could have ended up a lot worse. I give Martha credit too because she opened up her home to Christ. She knew that Christ could save them, but Mary was way ahead of her.

That’s the irony of judas throwing three years down the drain. Yeshua loved him enough to call him to be an apostle, but the snitch lost his mind over a 12oz bottle that was worth a year’s wages. That night judas himself chose to be replaced by Mary out of stupidity. The only reason he felt suicidal guilt is because he found out that Christ was condemned to die. The lover of money knew Yeshua was An Innocent Man which brings up the key point. The guy rejected The Holy Spirit and didn’t received Christ as Lord and Savior. Even Legion had enough sense to bow down before The Messiah, but not judas.

Mary of Bethany is a pillar in the faith and may be among the first people if not the first person to go spread The Gospel. The world tried to tear her down but…

(“I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”) Mark 14:9 nlt

For some of you it’s not too late. Just repent of your sins and receive Yeshua(Jesus) as your Lord and Savior.

Many are called but few are chosen,

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