Clean Stomach
Freedom Of Religion…
Alpha Males Ready To Lead On Day 1
2001 was a trip for obvious reasons.
For you have said in your heart:
- I will ascend into heaven,
- I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
- I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
- I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
- I will be like The Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
Disgraced Ex-Councilmember nury martinez
It wasn’t enough for the valley to give us Garcetti.
Adding salt to the wound they dumped this on us…
What do they all have in common?
63,459,781 total Abortions since 1973
Look at the love pouring through those eyes…
The fear of THE LORD is the beginning of knowledge…
PnB Rock
December 9, 1991 – September 12, 2022
The late Eddie Long
My late best friend was like Eddie. Charismatic, jovial, and a natural leader. Nothing is wrong with the above snap.
You should have quit while you were ahead Eddie…
Traditions are the ties that bind…
Something doesn’t add up…
None of them could find a flashlight?
Unlike the token…
We’re called to be Set Apart.
Can we trust the deceiver?
The usurpers mistranslated the text, telling us Christ died on the cross-beam-“t”
I doubt that bling bling was used at The Last Supper…
Are they worshiping The Most High’s Son, or the sun itself?
Notice how they’re not touching the bling with their bare hands.
I, coming from that system to the next, was a regular follower of Eddie’s ministry. I was livid at his accusers and didn’t want to believe that terrible stuff. I’m guilty of idol worship too, but I do realize he himself opened the door to hell on earth.
The bill came due…
“These colors don’t run…”
…is another form of idolatry.
Multiple weapons below on display.
Why not a more peaceful-looking flag like the Union Jack?
Granted, that red cross in the middle seems a little sketchy, but I want to give it the benefit of the doubt.
The Aussies & Kiwis love tranquility too…
They’re led by humble servants that stand for liberty…
Strip away the colors from union jack, and you’ll see patterns similar to this ancient symbol…
Is it a stretch, or just a coincidence?
It’s the pagan’s christ child, and not the Son of The Most High the true believers worship.
Maybe this explains wherever the colonizers went, they were beyond brutal and merciless…
I’m not talking about all folk of the U.K., just the blood thirsty imperialists. Even the Irish know how they roll.
“World leaders need to be on a war-like footing….and launch a vast military-style campaign in order to tackle the climate change crisis” – King Charles III
Now it makes sense why the two neighbors don’t get along…
Peep the leaves around the coat of arms…
It’s a symbol of Rome…
The wreath is telling you, Rome’s your daddy. You’ve been conquered, and you’re too far gone!
That blond weave in your head, just go ahead and dye it green for tackling climate change.
Who’s ruling over you?
What principalities are covering your town?
Who do you have working for you?
Why didn’t the Justice Department at the time defend Trayvon Martin’s civil rights?
Gee, I wonder why…
All the local official’s involve the Breonna Taylor case, did they have her best interest as a human being?
Some months back I wrote that it was a mistake for Nipsey Hussle to believe he could build bridges with “city officials.”
From the recent scandal coming out of downtown, it’s obvious they have diabolical contempt for us.
They don’t represent everybody. My best friend and colleague is a 70+ old Latina who’s Born Again.
My realtor for years is a Mexican American guy, a beyond solid dude, so haters can get lost.
L.A. is a mess because of demonic strongholds, and it’s best to seek The Kingdom first if one has any sense.
Tiger Woods merely came back for a visit, and look how the enemy tried to get him…
Former disney talent, Orlando Brown, is settled down and married, good for him. Not being a shacked-up ho, which Hollywood promotes is good for one’s health. A recent quote from him… “The powers that be allowed me to live.” satan’s economy is not worth it, and being “Set Apart” is an understatement.
Right after that “alleged” informant took out Nipsey… my question was, “Who paid Chris Darden’s retainer fee?
When asked why he took the case, Darden replied “I defend poor people — that’s all I do….”
How about defending decent people?
What Nipsey was doing for the local youth was beyond outstanding…
In contrast, the amount of money the boule churches used to collect on Sunday, one would think they would have been partnering with and building on what Nipsey was doing …Crickets!
Kudos to the one-only pastor out of thousands, that regularly promote Christ-centered marriages & family. It’s L.A.’s only chance, if it’s not too late…I’m trying to be optimistic.
Darden should have known the case was radioactive.
Before that whole incident, I don’t ever remember seeing the level of boiling anger that was in the air around town. The 92 riots were crazy. When Kobe died the sadness everywhere was deep. But the Nipsey murder, including that whole day, a lot of people knew something was treacherous. Whoever sloppily brought Darden on made it more suspect.
Hollywood is rancid enough, but there’s a trickle-down sewage from City Hall that permeates what seems like all the city departments. Real dirty & nasty individuals with a pension.
The dems got their fingers burned with Garcetti, but you’d think they’d learn their lesson…
The inhabitants very well may put another boule sock puppet to replace him.
Stiff-necked people love their idolatry, and L.A. will make Chicago look like Mayberry.
Even when the worst lowlife genuinely does a 180, Christ will forgive and save them.
Repent and accept Yahshua as your only LORD and Savior before it’s too late.
Thanks in advance for your support.
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